Selasa, 17 Desember 2013

The New Zealand Police are responsible for enforcing the Arms Act and various unofficial government policies (such as not increasing the number of E-category registered MSSAs beyond about 8,500).[1] The Police tend to lobby around their own access to guns, as the service does not routinely carry sidearms. However all patrol cars currently carry a M4 carbine in a lockbox in the boot of the vehicle, and often a glocknade in a locked glovebox.
Outdoor safety

The New Zealand Mountain Safety Council is a federation of organisations with an interest in outdoor safety, including a number of sporting groups, DOC, the New Zealand Police and Defence Force, OSH and ACC.[10] It is responsible for safety education,[11] and volunteers run the safety courses taken by firearms licence applicants.[12] It also runs more specialised courses on hunting safely, first aid, and other outdoor recreational safety issues.
Pro-Gun groups

The Council of Licensed Firearms Owners (COLFO) was set up in 1996.

The Sporting Shooters Association of New Zealand is a part-time lobby group that is usually only active at elections and when there are government calls for gun control laws. It is smaller than COLFO. Opinions vary on how "radical" vs. how "soft" these two organisations are.[citation needed]

The National Shooters Association is a nationwide civilian gun owners association that took the forefront in a 2009 legal challenge against unauthorised police interference with gun regulations. Its executive is largely made up of former members the Practical Shooting Institute, a predecessor group which had similar success bringing court action against Police interference in 1990.
Anti-Gun groups

responsible for enforcing the Arms Act and various unofficial government policies (such as not increasing the number of E-category registered MSSAs beyond about 8,500).[1] The Police ten

The New Zealand Police are responsible for enforcing the Arms Act and various unofficial government policies (such as not increasing the number of E-category registered MSSAs beyond about 8,500).[1] The Police tend to lobby around their own access to guns, as the service does not routinely carry sidearms. However all patrol cars currently carry a M4 carbine in a lockbox in the boot of the vehicle, and often a glocknade in a locked glovebox.
Outdoor safety

The New Zealand Mountain Safety Council is a federation of organisations with an interest in outdoor safety, including a number of sporting groups, DOC, the New Zealand Police and Defence Force, OSH and ACC.[10] It is responsible for safety education,[11] and volunteers run the safety courses taken by firearms licence applicants.[12] It also runs more specialised courses on hunting safely, first aid, and other outdoor recreational safety issues.
Pro-Gun groups

The Council of Licensed Firearms Owners (COLFO) was set up in 1996.

The Sporting Shooters Association of New Zealand is a part-time lobby group that is usually only active at elections and when there are government calls for gun control laws. It is smaller than COLFO. Opinions vary on how "radical" vs. how "soft" these two organisations are.[citation needed]

The National Shooters Association is a nationwide civilian gun owners association that took the forefront in a 2009 legal challenge against unauthorised police interference with gun regulations. Its executive is largely made up of former members the Practical Shooting Institute, a predecessor group which had similar success bringing court action against Police interference in 1990.
Anti-Gun groups
In August 2009, the Police decided that any firearm, including single shot bolt action rifles, with a free-standing pistol grip that could allow the firearm to be shot inaccurately from the hip would be defined as an MSSA.[6] However, the High Court rejected this attempt in Lincoln v Police [2010] BCL 194; 33 TCL 11/2.

In 2013, the Police have set up a hunting safety campaign titled "No Meat Is Better Than No Mate".[7]
Kawhia attack in 2013

Following an attack on a Kawhia police officer by a group of men in January 2013,[8] the Police Association called for police officers to be armed.

Police Commissoner Peter Marshall rejected the plea, saying it was "not a time for political point-scoring exercises".[9]
Notable groups
Government groups

uld allow the firearm to be shot inaccurately from the hip would be defined as an MSSA.[6] However, the High Court rejected this attempt in Lincoln v Police [2010] BCL 194; 33 TCL 11/2.

In August 2009, the Police decided that any firearm, including single shot bolt action rifles, with a free-standing pistol grip that could allow the firearm to be shot inaccurately from the hip would be defined as an MSSA.[6] However, the High Court rejected this attempt in Lincoln v Police [2010] BCL 194; 33 TCL 11/2.

In 2013, the Police have set up a hunting safety campaign titled "No Meat Is Better Than No Mate".[7]
Kawhia attack in 2013

Following an attack on a Kawhia police officer by a group of men in January 2013,[8] the Police Association called for police officers to be armed.

Police Commissoner Peter Marshall rejected the plea, saying it was "not a time for political point-scoring exercises".[9]
Notable groups
Government groups
Special restrictions applied to restricted weapons and pistols, which needed to be registered. Self-defence was no longer a valid reason to have a pistol (Although the Crimes Act 1961 states a person can use "reasonable force" to defend ones self and/or property and nowhere in this act states a person cannot use a firearm for such purposes while the arms act does not mention "directly in words" one cannot use a firearm for self-defence) but the new sport of target pistol shooting has become more popular and pistol club shooters can own pistols with a special "B" endorsement.
Aramoana and the 1992 Amendments

After the Aramoana massacre in November 1990, John Banks, the Minister for Police, announced that the government would ban what he and others described as "Rambo-style" weapons and substantially tighten gun laws generally. The law was eventually passed in 1992 and required written permits to order guns or ammunition mail-order, restricted ammunition sales to firearms licence holders, added photographs to firearms licences, required licence holders to have secure storage for firearms at their homes (which would be inspected before a licence was issued), and controversially required all licence holders to be re-vetted for new licences which would be valid for only 10 years.

The law also created the new category of "military-style semi-automatic", which like the Federal Assault Weapons Ban two years later in the United States, mainly covered the appearance rather than the functionality of the guns. These required a special endorsement, security and registration in the same manner as pistols, but could be used wherever A-category guns could.
The Thorp Report to today

After two shootings by police in 1995, the government ordered an inquiry into police procedures for storing and using firearms. Before the review started, massacres overseas at Dunblane and Port Arthur led the government to expand the scope to gun control generally. The police reported that the system was sound and that no major changes were needed.

The government decided to order another report, this time led by former judge Thomas Thorp. The report was released in 1997 and called for many new restrictions on legal gun ownership, including banning various features, and particularly unpopular amongst firearm owners, that all guns be registered.

The National government in 1999, its last year in office, introduced an Arms Amendment (No. 2) Bill to implement the recommendations, and the bill was supported by the new Labour government. After the strong weight of submissions made against the bill when it was in select committee the government was persuaded that the changes were unneeded and would be difficult to implement. Due to the opposition, the bill was withdrawn. The government then introduced a much reduced Arms Amendment (No. 3) Bill which increased penalties for distribution, manufacture and use of illegal weapons. It has been in select committee since 2005, and the government has not shown any sign of proceeding with it.

ent ordered an inquiry into police procedures for storing and using firearms. Before the review starte

Special restrictions applied to restricted weapons and pistols, which needed to be registered. Self-defence was no longer a valid reason to have a pistol (Although the Crimes Act 1961 states a person can use "reasonable force" to defend ones self and/or property and nowhere in this act states a person cannot use a firearm for such purposes while the arms act does not mention "directly in words" one cannot use a firearm for self-defence) but the new sport of target pistol shooting has become more popular and pistol club shooters can own pistols with a special "B" endorsement.
Aramoana and the 1992 Amendments

After the Aramoana massacre in November 1990, John Banks, the Minister for Police, announced that the government would ban what he and others described as "Rambo-style" weapons and substantially tighten gun laws generally. The law was eventually passed in 1992 and required written permits to order guns or ammunition mail-order, restricted ammunition sales to firearms licence holders, added photographs to firearms licences, required licence holders to have secure storage for firearms at their homes (which would be inspected before a licence was issued), and controversially required all licence holders to be re-vetted for new licences which would be valid for only 10 years.

The law also created the new category of "military-style semi-automatic", which like the Federal Assault Weapons Ban two years later in the United States, mainly covered the appearance rather than the functionality of the guns. These required a special endorsement, security and registration in the same manner as pistols, but could be used wherever A-category guns could.
The Thorp Report to today

After two shootings by police in 1995, the government ordered an inquiry into police procedures for storing and using firearms. Before the review started, massacres overseas at Dunblane and Port Arthur led the government to expand the scope to gun control generally. The police reported that the system was sound and that no major changes were needed.

The government decided to order another report, this time led by former judge Thomas Thorp. The report was released in 1997 and called for many new restrictions on legal gun ownership, including banning various features, and particularly unpopular amongst firearm owners, that all guns be registered.

The National government in 1999, its last year in office, introduced an Arms Amendment (No. 2) Bill to implement the recommendations, and the bill was supported by the new Labour government. After the strong weight of submissions made against the bill when it was in select committee the government was persuaded that the changes were unneeded and would be difficult to implement. Due to the opposition, the bill was withdrawn. The government then introduced a much reduced Arms Amendment (No. 3) Bill which increased penalties for distribution, manufacture and use of illegal weapons. It has been in select committee since 2005, and the government has not shown any sign of proceeding with it.